

时间:2021-02-17 来源: 浏览量:1789


《Use of SNP chips to detect rare pathogenic variants: retrospective, population based diagnostic evaluation.》



       Overall, genotyping using SNP chips performed well compared with sequencing; sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were all above 99% for 108 574 common variants directly genotyped on the SNP chips and sequenced in the UK Biobank. However, the likelihood of a true positive result decreased dramatically with decreasing variant frequency; for variants that are very rare in the population, with a frequency below 0.001% in UK Biobank, the positive predictive value was very low and only 16% of 4757 heterozygous genotypes from the SNP chips were confirmed with sequencing data. Results were similar for SNP chip data from the Personal Genome Project, and 20/21 individuals analysed had at least one false positive rare pathogenic variant that had been incorrectly genotyped. For pathogenic variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which are individually very rare, the overall performance metrics for the SNP chips versus sequencing in the UK Biobank were: sensitivity 34.6%, specificity 98.3%, positive predictive value 4.2%, and negative predictive value 99.9%. Rates of BRCA related cancers in UK Biobank participants with a positive SNP chip result were similar to those for age matched controls (odds ratio 1.31, 95% confidence interval 0.99 to 1.71) because the vast majority of variants were false positives, whereas sequence positive participants had a significantly increased risk





       这项新研究推测,SNP芯片在鉴定常见遗传变异方面表现出色。但是,较少的变化会导致结果可靠性降低。在十分罕见的变体中,每10万人中有不到1个人发现了导致罕见遗传病的特征,其中84%是UK Biobank参与者中的假阳性。


       埃克塞特大学基因组医学研究合著者兼讲师Leigh Jackson博士说“SNP芯片产生的罕见遗传变异的假阳性数量惊人地高。需要明确的是:使用SNP芯片检测到的非常罕见的致病变异很可能是错误的,而不是正确的。尽管一些消费者基因组学公司在将重要结果发布给消费者之前会进行测序以验证重要结果,但大多数消费者还下载了其“原始” SNP芯片数据以进行二次分析,并且这些原始数据仍然包含这些错误结果。我们的发现的含义非常简单:SNP芯片在检测非常罕见的遗传变异方面表现不佳,除非经过验证,否则其结果不得用于指导患者的医疗服务。”