
2020年10月9日发表于《科学》杂志上的“WUSCHEL triggers innate antiviral immunity in plant stem cells”揭示了植物干细胞是如何抵御病毒侵染的分子机制。
Building a safe space for stem cells
The meristem, the collection of stem cells that builds plants, is resistant to viral infection. Wu et al. now show that WUSCHEL, a transcription factor that helps to sustain stem cell production in the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis, also protects that stem cell domain from viruses. WUSCHEL inhibited viral protein synthesis by repressing methyltransferases that regulate ribosomal RNA processing and ribosome stability.
Stem cells in plants constantly supply daughter cells to form new organs and are expected to safeguard the integrity of the cells from biological invasion. Here, we show how stem cells of the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem and their nascent daughter cells suppress infection by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). The stem cell regulator WUSCHEL responds to CMV infection and represses virus accumulation in the meristem central and peripheral zones. WUSCHEL inhibits viral protein synthesis by repressing the expression of plant S-adenosyl-L-methionine–dependent methyltransferases, which are involved in ribosomal RNA processing and ribosome stability. Our results reveal a conserved strategy in plants to protect stem cells against viral intrusion and provide a molecular basis for WUSCHEL-mediated broad-spectrum innate antiviral immunity in plants.
解析WUS介导干细胞免疫病毒的分子机制,作者发现WUS蛋白可以直接抑制一类核糖体RNA甲基转移酶基因(S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases),影响rRNA的加工和核糖体的稳态,进而可以抑制病毒蛋白质的合成。为了研究WUS介导的干细胞抗病毒免疫是否具有广谱性,该研究还检查了其他三种植物病毒,得到了一致的结论。